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Pediatric Surgical Procedures

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The thought of a child having surgery can be an unwelcome surprise to many parents. However, pediatric surgery is not uncommon. Here are a few procedures that pediatric surgeons regularly perform.

Correction of a Birth Defect

Congenital defects can negatively affect a child's ability to develop normally. The improper formation of vital organs, such as the heart or the kidneys, may require immediate surgical intervention. Skilled pediatric surgeons can reconstruct the affected organ to treat the condition and help the child developed normally. Surgeries may also be used to correct deformities of the limbs and face.  


The appendix of a person of any age may become inflamed and infected. If the condition is severe, the appendix is surgically removed. If a child's appendix ruptures, an emergency appendectomy is required.

Tumor Removal

Various childhood cancers may cause the development of growths. A surgeon may be able to remove a cancerous growth as a part of a pediatric patient's treatment plan. Chemotherapy and radiation treatments may follow the surgery.

Gallbladder Removal

A child's gallbladder may develop stones or become infected. Physicians may try to treat the condition noninvasively. However, if other attempts at remedying the issue are unsuccessful, a surgeon may remove the gallbladder.

Hernia Surgery

A child may be born with a hernia. The condition may present as a hole in the groin muscle. If the hernia does not resolve on its own, a pediatric surgeon may close the hole to keep the intestines from spilling out of the opening and becoming trapped.

Bariatric Treatment

Although many people view bariatric surgery as an adult procedure, that is not always the case. As childhood obesity has risen, the incidence of pediatric bariatric procedures has increased. The surgeon can insert a medical balloon into the child's stomach. The treatment can effectively reduce the youngster's appetite to encourage weight loss. This surgery is typically only done when the child has serious health conditions that pose a significant risk.

Acid Reflux Treatment

Acid reflux takes place when the acid of the stomach flows into the esophagus. When a child suffers from this condition, the surgeon can correct it by reducing the opening from the esophagus to the stomach. After the procedure, the acid is less likely to enter the esophagus.

Spleen Removal

A surgeon may perform a splenectomy if a child's spleen has been damaged from trauma or if they suffer from a blood disorder that has negatively impacted the organ. To learn more about pediatric surgical procedures, schedule a consultation with a pediatric surgeon in your local area.

For more information on any of these procedures, contact a pediatric surgeon.
