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Infant Gas: What Do You Do?

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When you have a newborn, you may tend to overreact to any problem your baby may have, especially if it's your first child. As a result, any signs of stomach distress may throw you into a frenzy of analysis, often to try and figure out what you did wrong. When your baby has stomach pain, it is often due to gas pain. This condition is not your fault. If you stay calm, you can figure out the issue and try some simple remedies.


Babies naturally have gas. According to medical professionals, their immature gastrointestinal tracts may be to blame. When they are born, their tummies are just starting to work, and so they may be easily upset. Although feeding your baby with a bottle may up their gas level, a number of other things can contribute to this condition, including simple crying. If your baby clenches or their tummy seems bloated, you can try some at-home remedies. For instance, laying the baby across your lap and massaging their back can sometimes help them to expel the troublesome gas and relieve pressure. Some experts suggest working the baby's legs back and forth gently. Time and attention will often do the trick, but on occasion, you will need to consult the doctor.

Medical Remedies

If your baby continues to have distress, you should consult with your pediatrician. The doctor may have you give the baby some OTC drops for the gas or have you use a silicon suppository. If these simple remedies do not work, your child may have another gastric/intestinal issue that needs to be explored. In that case, you may be asked to bring the baby into the clinic. However, most baby's tummy troubles can be handled at home. 

Parental Anxiety

Unfortunately, the more worried and upset you get about your baby's discomfort, the more pain your baby may be in. You don't cause the problem, but you can exacerbate it. Babies know when you are upset, often reacting to your state of mind by fussing themselves. This reaction can cause your child to ingest more air, which results in more gas. If you remain calm, your baby may feel better sooner. 

Babies and gas go together, so you can be certain you will have to deal with this condition at one time or the other. If you stay calm and try a few OTC methods, you may be able to avoid a trip to the doctor. However, if the problem persists, do not hesitate to seek medical help at a clinic like Northeast Wyoming Pediatric Associates Pc.
